“Everlasting happiness is based on a basic Trust that your Life is not happening to you; it is happening for you.” ~ Dr. Robert Holden
How very simple Life might be if we could trust that everything really does happen for our highest & greatest good. When we deem what is happening as positive or pleasant, it is easy to believe this quote from Dr. Robert Holden.
But what about when our lives seem to be catapulting out of control? Or when the other shoe has definitely dropped and there seems to be no light at the end of our tunnel?
How could these seemingly negative or challenging situations be to our benefit?
All of us experience Life. And Life is comprised of events, situations, relationships, & circumstances. How we respond to our Life creates the quality of our experience.
Take a moment to conduct a quick review of your Life. Focus on remembering those big things, those monumental shifts in your journey. What do you notice being the end result of the upheaval, trauma, or illness? Where has this experience taken you?
Again the quality of our experience rests in our thoughts & the choices we make. If we are stuck in looking outside ourselves for validation, love or success, the world’s offering will always fall short.
If we look for someone or something to blame for our unhappiness, we will continue to attract more evidence to justify why we are so unhappy. And in the meantime, we are incapable of seeing any of the gifts or support that is being presented to us.
Living from a victim consciousness fuels the belief that we’ve been singled out to suffer. Life is unfair and we are being punished.
When we come from a place of gratitude we experience a Life of trust. We slow down our focus to the present where we can recognize ways we are indeed, being taken care of.
We live from a firm belief in the reliability, the strength, & the truth of Life to care for us. We experience faith & confidence in whatever is happening to offer us an opportunity to see, to choose & to grow.
“When the bird lands on a twig, it does not worry that it might break, it Trusts instead ~ in it’s ability to fly.” ~Anonymous
Ponder This:
What is one of the greatest gifts you’ve been given through hardship?
Share your experience in the comment section below.